About Us

We are what artisans create! Heartfelt emotions that their creations evoke. A touch of generational hands carrying the nostalgia for Kashmir's rich heritage. 

Kashmir Box offers artisanal-crafted luxury clothing and lifestyle pieces that are cherished love from the past, and treasured by people of the modern day.

We connect over 5,000 artisans, creating sustainable financial practices, including better wages and profit-sharing schemes, all the while preserving Kashmir's traditional legacy.

Kashmir is not a place, it’s an art and the people are artists!


The wisdom and craftsmanship of those who came before us.

Kashmir's art and craft owe their celebrated status not only to their place of origin but to the spiritual guidance of its great Sufi ancestors who shaped these masterpieces. 

It is this legacy that we cherish, this heritage that we honor, a tradition that we strive to uphold with every creation that emerges from the skilled hands of our artisans.

Our ancestral legacy is deeply ingrained in who we are, a precious gift passed down through generations. It is something to be celebrated rather than merely commodified, as that is our core value.

These exquisite artisanal creations crafted with a reverence for tradition  have been admired by the great emperors of India, like Ashoka the Great and many others, drawn to the finesse and nobility they embodied. 

The intricacy of the Kashmiri shawl, in particular, signified grandeur, leading Ranjit Singh of Punjab to lavishly decorate his palace with these treasures. He bestowed them as gifts upon fellow rulers, a gesture of utmost esteem and admiration.

An exquisite gift ignited a fashion phenomenon that endured for centuries. Napoleon Bonaparte presented his beloved Josephine with a treasure unlike any other – a finest Kashmiri shawl. It was a noble revelation of Kashmir's artistry and luxury.

Even Maharaja Gulab Singh of Kashmir honored this legacy by presenting three pairs of Kashmiri shawls to Queen Victoria. A gesture that transcended borders and cultures. 

Throughout history, nobles have cherished Kashmir's art and craft, their essence a testament to the region's rich cultural heritage.


From the Founders

The Changemakers & Keepers of Kashmir

Our hearts sank at the sight of skilled craftsmen struggling to sustain their life's work. These artisans were the custodians of an ancient art form, and their plight moved us to take action. 

More than a decade ago, at that moment, a resolute mission was born – to share the exotic essence of Kashmir with the world and empower Kashmir's gifted artisans, enabling them to flourish and gain global recognition. It was a homage to the heritage that had birthed us, a tribute to the "Paradise on Earth" that had nurtured our souls.

Our success is deeply intertwined with the celebration and prosperity of the talented craftspeople. The organization became our humble way of honoring their priceless contributions. A commitment to offer improved wages and a share of our profits towards enhancing their quality of life.

Our Brand Ethos

By the beauty of Kashmir, For the prosperity of Kashmir!

Elevating Culture -  Culture evolves with the times, we make a conscious effort to reimagine the present in a way that cherishes the traditions of the past. Our approach ensures that our creations remain firmly rooted in ancestral techniques while adapting to contemporary styles. It falls upon us to preserve these cultural treasures and pass down this heritage to future generations.

Enhancing Livelihoods - A social conscience to transform the local artisans of Kashmir into celebrated and financially secure craftsmen, esteemed for their labor and acknowledged globally.

Enriching Admirers - We hand over the cherished legacy we hold dear, one that evokes the essence of Kashmir. We provide a purpose beyond possession—cherishing the art and the artist forever.


Design Ideology

A luxury from eras past. We gently infuse the graceful essence of centuries-old traditions into every artisanal creation.

Our design ideology?

For us, the design process begins with a profound understanding and appreciation of Kashmir's essence – its rich history, culture, and artistic legacy. It's this very essence that guides our journey, ensuring that the spirit of Kashmir is purely preserved in every aspect of the final product. 

Each product itself speaks its storied identity. The intricate craftsmanship, the intrinsic elegance, and the aura of authenticity proclaim, "I am Kashmir", needing no explanation.


Meet Our Founders

Moheet Mehraj - Kashmir Box was born not from entrepreneurial aspirations, but from Moheet's profound emotional connection to Kashmir's culture. It was a soulful calling, steeped in reverence for the region's artistic legacy and the artisans who breathe life into it. He has lovingly nurtured this venture, elevating it onto the global stage.

Ishfaq Mir With more than three decades of hands-on experience in Kashmir's arts and crafts industry, Ishfaq directs the undertakings within product development and social impact verticals. He ensures that every product from Kashmir Box is worth possessing by driving the brand's commitment to authenticity and social responsibility.